Friday Walkabout

It's a beautiful day here in Baltimore. It's too beautiful to be let's have a walkabout. Perhaps this'll become a Friday Feature. Like all my other feature ideas, this is good to last about a week.

Right across the street, is a place that used to be D'amici's.

As you can see, they're still working on the sidewalks but they've moved to the other side of the street now.

In the movie Pecker, by John Waters, D'amici's was where Pecker worked (though called something else in the movie). Most of Pecker took place right on the Avenue here in Hampden.

What happened to D'amici's is somewhat of a mystery. They just closed one day, earlier this year, and never re-opened. So, check it out, people! Prime corner location right across the street from us. Sure it needs some work, but think of the are some suggestions:
  1. Another coffee shop. Yes, we can actually use another.
  2. 24 Hour diner. Be junkie central!
  3. A Knit Cafe. Whatever.
Any aspiring entrepreneurs out there with any ideas? Anyone who wants to spend their life savings on working 24/7 to pay yourself less than you would get working for someone else? Put your life in the hands of the fickle public and our precarious economy! Come on! It's the American Dream! You know you wanna. Hampden needs you.


joetron2030 said…
Oh, a WALKABOUT. I initially thought you were suggesting a WALK OUT. Can you strike against your employer when YOU are your own employer?

Man, I'm confused now.

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