Revenge Of Print 2011

RevengeOfPrint2011, originally uploaded by sugarfreak.

We're tired of all the END OF PAPER, the END OF PUBLISHING AS WE KNOW IT stories. We've been hearing and reading about it ever since we've been open (which is going on almost 20 years now).

So for 2011, we've decided to throw a challenge out there. If you've ever made a zine or mini comic MAKE ONE MORE ISSUE. Come on, you've got one more in you! Maybe you were thinking in the back of your head you'd do another issue one day. Now is the time.

Join the group for discussion and more plans. This is just the beginning.

Sponsored by us and our friends at Quimby's.


Anonymous said…
Over at Paracinema Magazine, we just printed our 10th issue. And while things for us have never been easy, we VOW to print for as long as humanly possible! Long live print media!
I wholeheartedly support this cause :)
Dan said…
Was never really happy with how things ended at Exploitation Retrospect. Will definitely take this opportunity to dust it off...
Alec said…
Hi and thank you. I'm all in, and live for print media. I manage an independent weekly newspaper that has been in publication for over 30 years. We are growing both revenues and circulation as readers continue to demand SUBSTANCE and MEANING and CONTEXT. Print is not dying! The filtering of journalism and the depth of story telling has never been more needed as it is in the digital age. The future of print is independent and revolutionary.
Unknown said…
This is a fanTASTIC campaign!!! I shall very happily spread the word! Keep us up to date with any magazines/fanzines that take up the challenge! :-)
Mike White said…
Okay, you asked for it. Cashiers du Cinemart #16 coming in 2011...
Dennis said…
Is it OK to use the logo in a zine? Just, you know, spreading the word.

Unknown said…
Dennis i'm sure it's cool! I've used the logo all over the place in order to promote this excellent campaign!!! All publicity is good publicity, yes?
Rachel said…
Yes, it's cool!
Dennis said…
Thanks. I asked on the Facebook-group but nobody answered. I'll use it. I'm doing a 24 hour zine tomorrow.
Film Threat said…
Film Threat returns to print next month for the first time in 14 years...
Unknown said…
Am SO looking forward to Film Threat back in print!!

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