Jackets & Sleeves - This Friday

Jackets & Sleeves

This Friday, October 7, from 7PM - 9PM we will be having a one night only art opening, called Jackets and Sleeves.

What began as us wondering why it is that record are forever tied to a cover image while books over the years frequently get new covers turned into the idea for this art show.

We compiled a list of some of our favorite, iconic records and books and asked a group of artists to create a new book jacket or record sleeve.

The results, about 25 pieces in all, will be on display Friday night.

Participants include:

John M. Bachman
Joanna Barnum
Stephen Blickenstaff
Jenny Campbell
Martin Cendreda (In The Aeroplane Over The Sea)
Nate Doyle
Alex Fine (Fight Club)
Julia Gfrorer
Kate Haberer
Danny Hellman
Mark Kubat
Jim Lasher
Pat Moriarity (The Ramones)
Liz Prince
Brian Ralph
Cat Sachse
Dave Sobel
Nolen Strals
Scott Sugiuchi
Sara Tomko (Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas)
Erin Womack
J.T. Dockery
Noah Van Sciver
Zach Hazard Vaupen

It's also First Fridays in Hampden.

We'll blog more pieces from the exhibit all this week.


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