Chuck Forsman's Top 5 Mini-Comics of 2011

This year, we asked a number of our friends who are also cartoonists and comics publishers and editors what their favorite comics of 2011 were.

Chuck Forsman is the cartoonist series like Snake Oil and The End Of The Fucking World.

I am only naming mini-comics in my list. No particular order.

Nepotism Alert: Some of these people are friends of mine. This tends to happen in a small world.

1. The Dudes by Alex Schubert
For me, this one came out of nowhere. Well, St. Louis actually. This mini-comic made me laugh out loud.  I love Beavis and Butthead. And I am a big fan of swearing while speaking. I love The Dudes. You could love them too.

2. The Gag-Rag by Jeff Lok
Another book packed to the gills with laughs. A frightening and endless desert island gag, comics about God, and the creation of the cat are highlights for me. People need to read more Jeff Lok. Fucking pound on his door in VT and demand a copy.

3. Moose 1-4 by Max de Radigués
Moose inspired me to do a new mini-comic series this year. The simplicity of format and the frequency of release were great, but Max’s impeccable cartooning chops show through. The guy can cartoon! And I mean cartoon like boiling things down to line and design. He plows through and doesn’t look back. Oh and the story is about a teenage kid who gets picks on but keeps seeing this moose pop up in weird places. Get on board of this one. Issue 5 just came out.

4. Kid Mafia by Michael Deforge
I like this comic pretty much for the same reasons I liked The Dudes. There is an attitude that I like that seethes from this comic. Oh and it’s a frickin’ mafia story. More enjoyable than The Sopranos.

5. After the Future by Casey Bohn
Casey Bohn’s favorite cartoonist is Jack Kirby. He draws all of his comics on printer paper with Pitt pens. He is drawing comics for no one. For a comic book about a robot there is a lot of frustration and emotion coded into the pages. I wish there were comics like this.

Visit Chuck Forsman online.


Kelly Robinson said…
Nice lil' list.

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