Joe Decie's Best Comics Of 2013

As is our annual tradition, we invited a number of our friends who are also cartoonists, comics publishers and editors to tell us what their favorite comics of 2013 were. We'll be publishing them all over the next few weeks.

Joe Decie is a cartoonist who has contributed to a number of anthologies. Retrtofit published his Pocket Full Of Coffee in 2012 and Blank Slate published his The Listening Agent in 2013. Visit his website.

In no particular order...

1. Playing Out by Jim Medway (Blank Slate)
A tale of some teenagers hanging about in town centre. Jim draws youth better than anyone I know.

2. Very Casual by Michael DeForge (Koyama Press)
Collected works of Mr. DeForge. Michael is an amazing storyteller, he subverts and skews and builds strange worlds, I'm dead jealous.

3. Softcore by Box Brown
Box manages to put out comics at great speed, as well as being the mastermind behind Retrofit. This episodic mini has great pace. Box's drawing style really seems to be coming into it's own; a pleasure to read. This story is about pornographers.

4. The Hic And Hoc Illustrated Journal of Humo(u)r Volume II: The United Kingdom by various (Hic And Hoc)
A fine selection of strips from a whole heap of UK indie comics artists. The stand out strips for me are by Philippa Rice and Becky Barnicoat. Oh and Isaac Lenkieewicz's, his is great.

5. Relish by Lucy Knisley (First Second)
Lucy does journal / memoir comics better than most people, they're engaging and interesting. And this particular collection is also about food, I love food and Lucy describes and draws it so well.

6. Naming Monsters by Hannah Eaton (Myriad Editions)
Beautifully drawn, clever and funny story of a teenage girl, interwoven with real and imaginary monsters. I hope this book gets a US release.

7. Walrus by Brandon Graham (Picture Box)
I've always enjoyed Brandon's sketchbooks, an insight into his pun-filled mind. One time he tore some pages from his book and gave them to me. I'm not sure where I put them, somewhere safe.


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